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Silver Vinyl Wrap

What to know before designing a vehicle wrap

It is important to have a design that works, whether you want to revamp the look of your vehicle or turn it into a mobile advertisement for your company. It can be hard to know where to start when designing a vinyl vehicle wrapping. There are so many factors to take into consideration.

Four questions to ask before designing your vehicle wrap

Ask yourself these questions before you consult a professional to design your wrap:

1. What type of vehicle will be wrapped?

It is important to know the model and make of the vehicle that you want to wrap in order to determine the size of the wrap. You will also need to take into account any corners or edges. Knowing the make and model of your vehicle will help you get a more accurate estimate. The designer and installer of a vehicle wrap may already have templates for common vehicles. This will reduce the time it takes to wrap your vehicle.(Silver Vinyl Wrap)

2. What is the best place to put your logo on a business wrap?

A business vehicle wrap's main purpose is to advertise and promote your brand. It is important to decide where you want to place your logo. It can be tempting for you to use the logo as many times on your vehicle as possible. However, it's usually more effective to use fewer and strategically placed placements.

3. Is Additional Text Required?

It can be hard to tell what a company does based on its logo. It is better to use some text or other elements of design in these situations. Supporting text could be used to describe the services provided, the motto or slogan of the company, or even a few phrases. To maximize the advertising potential, it is important to include contact information in addition to the text.(Candy Vinyl Wrap)

4. What colours and other design elements will be used?

The effectiveness of colours and other design elements can vary dramatically depending on whether it is a wrap for a business or personal vehicle. If you are wrapping a vehicle for business, it is best to stick with the company colors and a couple of supporting colours. This will help draw attention to your logo while not distracting from other elements. A chromatic or multicolour wrap can often distract attention from important information and reduce its effectiveness. It is also worth considering whether other objects are going to be included in the design. A plumbing company might use water, while an electrician may include lightbulbs or cables.

Nascarwraps can help you learn more about their car wrap installation services, or discuss your project in detail. You can reach us through our online form. We will be happy answer any questions that you may have about our services.

Design by:Büro Jürg Meyer